Testcenter Lahn Apotheke im Globus | © Lahn Apotheke Rünz

Testcenter Lahnapotheke vor dem Globus

Brückenstr. 17, 56112 Lahnstein

Tests possible with and without appointment

-Reserve your desired appointment online: https://02.apo-schnelltest.de/schritt-1?a=11095 

-No waiting times thanks to appointment reservation

-Contactless check-in through QR code

-Performed by trained personnel

-Test result as digital certificate via e-mail

-Communication by e-mail, no app necessary

-Barrier-free access

Testcenter Lahnapotheke vor dem Globus

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56112 Lahnstein Brückenstr. 17
Lahn-Apotheke W. Rünz e.K.
Brückenstr. 17
56112 Lahnstein

Phone: +49 2621922115
E-mail: info@lahnapotheke.de
Web: http://www.lahnapotheke.de

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