3-Poeten Skulptur | © Sabine Pilger

Skulpturengruppe Brentano-Heinrich Heine-Victor Hugo

Rheinanlagen, 55422 Bacharach

The bronze monument to the poets Heinrich Heine, Victor Hugo and Clemens Brentano by artist Liesel Metten was erected on the banks of the Rhine in Bacharach in 2014.

The three poets of the 19th century have decisively shaped the perception of the Rhine landscape and the image of Bacharach in their descriptions: Heinrich Heine ("The Rabbi of Bacherach"), Clemens Brentano ("Godwi" with Lureley) and Victor Hugo ("Rhine Journey").

Skulpturengruppe Brentano-Heinrich Heine-Victor Hugo

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55422 Bacharach Rheinanlagen
Park am Rhein
55422 Bacharach

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