Mutter-Beethoven-Haus Ansicht | © Koblenz-Touristik GmbH / Dominik Ketz


Wambachstraße 204, 56077 Koblenz

The house - exemplary of the bourgeois architecture in Ehrenbreitstein around the middle of the 17th century - was opened in 1975 as the "Beethoven Memorial in the Mother Beethoven House". It is part of the Koblenz Municipal Museums and is administered by the Mittelrhein Museum.

Ludwig van Beethoven's mother - Maria Magdalena Keverich - was born in this house in 1746. In addition to the history of Ehrenbreitstein as an electoral residence, the history of the Keverich family is presented, followed by Beethoven's youth and the circle of his life and work in connection with his friends. The historical environment of Beethoven's epoch comes alive here: with historical documents from music and literature, especially from the writer Sophie von La Roche, her grandson, the poet Clemens Brentano, her granddaughter Bettina von Arnim and the famous opera singer Henriette Sontag, who was born in Koblenz.


From 18.01.2022 until the 18.01.2027

Opening hours:
Sunday: 14:00 - 18:00

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56077 Koblenz Wambachstraße 204
Wambachstraße 204
56077 Koblenz

Phone: (0049) 261 9730669

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